Yanbu 2 SWRO Desalination Plant Client: Fichtner SWCC has a desalination plant in Yanbu industrial city consists of three existing plants. Phase # 01 (Yanbua1 plant) designed to produce a 94,625 m3/day., phase # 02 (Yanbu 2 plant) designed to produce 94,625 m3/day, and phase [...]
Aziziyah Desalination Plant
admin 2020-08-08T12:49:38+03:00Aziziyah Desalination Plant Client: Saline Water Conversion Corporation SWCC intends to evaluate the existing fire protection system for Azizia Desalination Plant to evaluate and confirm its compliance with the latest edition of SAF directive Project Goal and Scope: Prepare Front End [...]

Satellite Desalination Plants Along West Coast of Saudi Arabia
admin 2020-08-09T16:03:00+03:00Satellite Desalination Plants Along West Coast of Saudi Arabia Client: Saline Water Conversion Corporation Saline Water Conversion Corporation to design, procure, install and Commission the Eight (08) Satellite Plants in the West Coast of Saudi Arabia. The plant capacities vary from 8,500 m³/day up to [...]

admin 2020-08-12T11:32:29+03:00FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT OF SWCC FACILITIES Client: Saline Water Conversion Corporation Project Title: FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT OF SWCC FACILITIES PROJECT NO. 68206 AJECS will conduct a Fire Risk assessment for the existing the fire protection system inclusive of fire risk findings and recommendations in fire [...]

admin 2020-08-08T12:32:36+03:00KGOC GAS AND CONDENSATE EXPORT SYSTEM PROJECT Location: Kuwait The project was planned to deliver a combination of lean gas, condensate and sour gas through a single 12” export pipeline from Al Khafji Joint Operations (KJO) facilities in Saudi Arabia to Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) [...]

Upgrade Long Product Facility Fire Alarm System Control Panel at SPLS, DR A, B & C Project
admin 2020-08-08T12:24:15+03:00Upgrade Long Product Facility Fire Alarm System Control Panel at SPLS, DR A, B & C Project Client: Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) HADEED fire section intend to upgrade the existing fire alarm system DR Plant (Module A, B and C) and steel plant by [...]

SABTANK Solid Area (Section A & C) Project
admin 2020-08-08T11:48:20+03:00SABTANK Solid Area (Section A & C) Project Client: Saudi Basic Industries (SABIC) Sabtank Affiliate SABTANK Solid Area Section ‘A & ‘C’ has conventional Fire detection and alarm system. To meet SABIC Engineering Standard and HCIS directives 2010 existing conventional Fire detection and alarm system [...]

PCQ-2 Project for Jubail Chemical Storage and Services Company
admin 2020-08-08T10:55:33+03:00PCQ-2 Project for Jubail Chemical Storage and Services Company Client: Mohammed Mansour Alrumaih Co. - (MDS) ARABIA Project Goal and Scope: Prepare Front End Engineering package FEED which include fire hazard analysis, building code analysis, design basis, Identification of Fire Protection, Fire Detection, Alarm and [...]
SHARQ Loading Arm Project
admin 2020-08-08T10:45:59+03:00SHARQ Loading Arm Project Client: Nawaf Mattar Al-Adwani Group Eastern Petrochemical Company (SHARQ) located in Jubail industrial city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has initiated a project named “loading arm facility for fuel oil, pyrolysis gasoline and spent caustic in olefin plant project” in order to [...]

EDC to EC Modification in EG-1 Plant
admin 2020-08-08T10:36:22+03:00EDC to EC Modification in EG-1 Plant Client: H.K. Al-Sadiq Sons Co. LTD. SHARQ has initiated a project named EDC to EC Modification in EG-1 Plant project as a part of catalyst replacement project, SHARQ has decided to replace the existing moderator EDC (Ethylene Di-Chloride) [...]